Magnolia Family Dentistry of Austin Blog

How Color Can Soothe Dental Anxiety

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 6:52 pm
An AI image of a peaceful ocean scene

Dental anxiety is a very real problem for millions of people around the world. So much so that sedation dentistry is becoming more and more commonplace here in America. But in addition to offering sedation options to their patients, many dentists have gone a step further to ensure that their office is a peaceful, calming environment.

Here are some ways your dentist is using color and art to help keep you feeling safe and relaxed during your dental appointment.


Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of the Dentist

November 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 12:33 am
A woman who is afraid of the dentist.

Experts (including your dentist) recommend that you visit your dentist twice a year for your regular, biannual dental exam and cleaning. But despite these guidelines, many patients simply don’t go as often as they should. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why people skip their routine oral health checkups, but here’s why you shouldn’t let these common excuses keep you from safeguarding your smile!


Cosmetic Cures: How Smiling Boosts Your Health

October 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 7:33 pm
Woman with brown hair in white shirt smiling giving two thumbs up with yellow background

Did you know that people with dental problems are more likely to feel depressed or avoid social interactions because they’re worried about how others might perceive them? Aesthetic issues like chips, cracks, discoloration, or gapped or misaligned teeth can even leave you feeling so self-conscious that you avoid speaking or smiling authentically.

Thankfully, your dentist can boost your confidence with one or several cosmetic services to enhance your appearance. Not only can this boost your mood, but it can also positively affect your general well-being. Continue reading to learn three ways that smiling can improve your health!


Are Your High School Years Far Behind You? Invisalign Can Still Straighten Your Teeth!

September 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 6:04 pm
Woman smiling in excitement while holding her Invisalign trays

Though braces are most commonly associated with teenagers, plenty of adults would like to straighten out crooked teeth! Not everyone has the same access to orthodontic care, so some individuals “missed their chance” to correct their smiles in high school. Others may have once had a perfect dental alignment, only to have a few pearly whites shift as they grew.

Fortunately, Invisalign clear aligners can reposition your alignment, even if your high school years are far behind you! Keep reading to learn how this orthodontic treatment could be the perfect straightening solution for you.


Cost Question: How Expensive is Scaling and Root Planing?

July 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 6:19 pm
Hand holding credit card on marble surface next to large model tooth

Did you know that gum disease is the number one leading cause of tooth loss in adults? Unfortunately, the early stages are also notoriously hard to detect. You might not even know that you have a problem until it progresses to more advanced stages because that’s when symptoms become more noticeable. For example, you might have darkened or inflamed gums or notice them receding away from your teeth.

Thankfully, scaling and root planing can halt this dangerous disease in its tracks. However, if you’re unfamiliar with this procedure, it’s natural to have questions. One common inquiry many patients have is about how much it costs. Keep reading to learn more about it!


Here We Go Again: Why You May Need Root Canal Retreatment

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 11:26 pm
Illustration of infected dental pulp

If your dentist recommends a root canal retreatment, you probably remember what to expect from the first time you underwent this process. While you know to anticipate no pain during the procedure and only a mildly stressful recovery period afterward, you may be wondering why your tooth needs another root canal if it’s already had one before. Here’s why root canal retreatment can be necessary to keep you healthy.


Reasons to Celebrate Dental Assistants Recognition Week

March 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 1:03 am

Smiling dental assistantYour dentist is an invaluable asset to keep your mouth healthy. However, they aren’t the only people to thank for your beautiful smile. Your dental assistant works along with your dentist to provide you with the best care possible. March 6-12th is Dental Assistants Recognition Week (DARW). It’s a time for dentists and patients to celebrate their dental assistants. Here are a few reasons to show your dental assistant some appreciation.


5 Things Your Dentist Performs During Your Routine Checkup

August 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 4:23 pm
patient smiling during routine dental checkups in Austin

You’ve likely heard of the importance of routine dental checkups for maintaining a bright and healthy smile. But are they really necessary, especially if you brush and floss your teeth daily? Although many people perceive these regular visits as simple sweeps for cavities, they play a major role in preserving both your oral and overall health. Read on to learn five things that your dentist does that are crucial for protecting your pearly whites!


Can a Neglected Toothache Be Life-Threatening?

August 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 1:21 pm
man hurting from a toothache in Austin

Have you ever experienced a toothache? While this condition might not always seem like a major issue, you may not want to ignore it. In fact, there have been numerous cases of people who struggled with a toothache that ended up being fatal. But how can this seemingly common dental problem impact your entire well-being? Keep reading to learn about the dangers of ignoring a toothache, the signs of spreading infection, and the best way you can address it.


Why It’s Important to Detect Oral Health Problems Early

July 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Molly Burton @ 5:51 am
Dentist performing early detection of oral health problems

For many people, dental visits are something to put off to the last minute. Why see a dentist when you don’t have any teeth or gum issues anyway? Wouldn’t you be better off waiting until something comes up? However, this attitude doesn’t recognize the power of preventive dentistry. When you’re able to head off poor dental care before it starts, your life sees major improvements. To learn how that’s the case, here are three significant benefits to early detection of oral health problems.

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